1. Purpose
Gymnastics is a sport involving children and young people between the ages of 1 and 70 years. The sport operates across Singapore and engages children and young people through several programmes, such as KinderGym, the National Proficiency Awards and the respective discipline Singapore Gymnastics Levels programme.
Karpenko Gymnastics Academy take seriously the responsibility to deliver a sporting environment that is caring, nurturing and safe.
Karpenko Gymnastics Academy promote equity and respect diversity by:
- actively anticipating children’s diverse circumstances and responding effectively to those with additional vulnerabilities
- by giving all children access to information, support and complaints processes, and
- paying attention to the needs of children with a disability and children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Our Singapore Gymnastics approves and endorses Karpenko Gymnastics Academy commitment to keeping children and young people safe from abuse and neglect.
It is the responsibility of all at Karpenko Gymnastics Academy, from the Management, to staff and volunteers, to:
- protect children and young people from all forms of abuse, bullying and exploitation by our people;
- be alert to incidents of child abuse and neglect occurring outside of our sport that may have an impact on the children and young people; and
- create and maintain a child safe culture that is understood, endorsed and put into action by all the individuals who work for, volunteer or access our programs and services.
We expect all within our sport, regardless of their role or level of responsibility, to act to keep children safe from such harm by:
- adopting the practices and behaviour we have set as our standard when carrying out their roles, and reporting any abuse or neglect of which they become aware to our management and/or to external authorities responsible for child protection or to police, regardless of whether that abuse is being perpetrated by staff and volunteers within our sport, or by those outside our sport including those from the child’s family, extended family, their family’s extended network or strangers.